Friday, August 26, 2011

Ghost Festival

Everybody, Ghost festival is coming~
The Ghost Festival, also known as the Hungry Ghost Festival, is a traditional Chinese festival and holiday celebrated by Chinese in many countries. In the Chinese Lunisolar calendar , the Ghost Festival is on the 15th night of the seventh lunar month (14th in southern China).
Malaysia celebrate the Ghost Festival 2011 with a rather modernized twist. Live performances and concerts scatter around the countries’ major cities, thus making it unique and stand out among the other countries that celebrate the same festival. These live shows are locally kown as ‘Koh-tai’ by the Hokkien-speaking people. These are performed by a group of singers and dancers on a temporary stage set up within a residential district.

See something behind you.

Beside you. 

Infront you.

 LOL Happy Ghost Festival xD